The Kenya Mortality Tables – KE 2007-2010: Mortality and Morbidity Investigation Project
The Kenya Mortality Tables KE-2007-2010 have been completed and approved by the industry regulator, IRA. The Tables are awaiting incorporation in the Insurance Act before they can be adopted by underwriters.
AKI Commissioned Alexander Forbes (now Zamara) in 2014 to study the Kenya Assured Lives Mortality Experience for the period 2007-2010. The study was peer reviewed by The Actuarial Society of Kenya (TASK). The Mortality review exercise was completed in 2015 resulting in the KE 2007-2010 mortality tables.
The KE 2007-2010 Tables are a follow up to the initial KE 2001-2003 Tables commissioned in 2005 and completed in 2007 and have been in use in the industry.
Development of the KE 2001-2003 Tables for assured lives mortality rates put Kenya on the world map for being the second country in Africa to develop its own mortality tables. As at 2016, Kenya and South Africa are the only countries on the Continent to have achieved this great feat.
Prior to 2005, the Kenyan insurance market was using the A49/52 British mortality tables developed using 1949/1952 data in Britain. These tables were outdated and did not reflect the mortality experience in Kenya.
The mortality study was financed by Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative ("the FIRST Initiative") and conducted by Alexander Forbes Financial Services. The survey was peer reviewed by Quindiem Consulting Actuaries of South Africa whose insights increased the value and credibility of the Tables. Subsequently, the Insurance Act was amended in 2011 to adopt the KE 2001 – 2003 Mortality Tables.
It is recommended that periodic reviews of the Tables are done every five to 10 years to improve the quality of data and provide better insights to the merging risks and trends in the market.