
The Insurer- Sustainably Shaping the world of tomorrow- June 2024

Sustainability is a strategic issue of our time. Every business, every sector must think about its impact on people and planet in addition to profit. As a financial services player, insurance cannot be left behind. The thinking, the planning, the strategizing must start if it has not, to be followed by consistent action.

This edition of The Insurer is dedicated to Sustainability. We start by attempting to clear up the confusion between ESG, Sustainability and CSR, then we look at how electric vehicles are insured in Kenya through the eyes of Basi Go who are bringing electric buses to our roads, and from the perspective of the only insurer covering EV vehicles-GA Insurance. This edition also delves into how insurance can make a difference as our society adjusts and adapts to extreme weather conditions, how we can manage this massive and dangerous risk that can disrupt our social and economic development.

On Leadership, we speak to Meshack Miyogo,Managing Director of CIC Life Insurance about his leadership philosophy, sustainability, career growth, leading Gen Z, cars, family and much more.

There is also a great book review of Shoe Dog, the story behind the making of Nike which is one of the biggest brands and businesses in the world.

This is a must-read edition. Download your copy.

The Insurer is a bi-annual Journal published by the Association of Kenya Insurers. 

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July 9th, 2024


Hazel Kingori

