Changing Times - AKI Journal December 2024
The December 2024 edition of the AKI Journal is about change.
Philosophers, poets, generals, CEOs Presidents and strategists have all tried to apply their intelligence and charisma to the question and idea of change.
Well, the AKI Journal also decided to apply itself to the question of change because the insurance industry is changing before our very eyes. It is vital to our present and future to develop a good understanding of what is happening and how it affects what we do everyday.
We have posed questions that require brave and bold decisions for the industry to jump the hurdles we currently experience. Questions such as is low penetration the markets’ fault or the insurers’ fault? How exactly is technology affecting underwriting and customer service? Are we harnessing the power of all the people within our companies for growth? Does our communication with customers leave them informed and empowered or confused and helpless?
We also address new developments particularly the roll out of Social Health Insurance and share survey findings on the implementation of IFRS17.
Naturally, as the final edition of 2024 we reflect on the change we saw this year and try to predict what 2025 will bring for insurers in Kenya.